FY26 NIMBUS Budget Guide and Training Sessions

Publication Date

It’s time to prepare for the FY26 budget process, and the VPF Budget and Financial Analysis team has prepared several resources to make the process easier for you.

dedicated resource page is now live and includes:

You can also find information on preparing your budget and navigating the NIMBUS system in the Budget Management section of VPF’s website.

Additionally, the Budget and Financial Analysis team is hosting two identical training sessions on the FY26 budget submission process. At the sessions, the team will review the fundamentals of budgeting by funding category, demonstrate the input/output mechanics of the NIMBUS budget system, and answer questions on the budget preparation and submission process.

Whether you’re a first-time budget submitter or a seasoned veteran of the budget process, we invite and encourage you to attend one of the training sessions. 

The Fiscal 2026 Budget Training Sessions are available via Zoom on:

Advance registration is not required. 

Remember that FY26 budgets are due in NIMBUS on Friday, February 28.

Please contact your Budget Officer if you have questions about using NIMBUS for FY26 budget submission or other budget-related matters.